Editor's note

New BBM pin 29C7D112

Last week the Roodepoort Record team witnessed the result of yet another tree falling on a vehicle. Luckily the vehicle was stationary and nobody sustained serious injuries, but it reminded us about the incident a few weeks ago in which a falling tree caused the death of a female motorist. Although the first incident was …

Last week the Roodepoort Record team witnessed the result of yet another tree falling on a vehicle.

Luckily the vehicle was stationary and nobody sustained serious injuries, but it reminded us about the incident a few weeks ago in which a falling tree caused the death of a female motorist.

Although the first incident was the result of a veld fire that went out of control, I do think that authorities should put measures in place to identify trees that might pose a threat to its surroundings, and people.

If we are able to investigate lighting for its habit of claiming innocent lives, surely we have the resources to identify trees that pose a threat to the community.

It would seem logical for the City to recognise these recent events as disasters and devise a strategy to prevent reoccurrences.

This matter will be raised with the relevant departments in due course.

Kind regards

Tihan van der Walt


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