
Don’t use the Post Office to send letters

Louise from Honeydew writes:

I write to ask if others on this planet we call Earth, have the same problems with our Post Office.

A letter from Port Elizabeth which used to take two or three days now takes five weeks to get to me in Johannesburg.

A letter from the UK takes six weeks.

My brother in the Cape sent me a card on the 1st June – I have still not received it.

Knowing that the Post Office might be flooded with Christmas cards this time of the year, I sent my brother in the Cape a birthday card by registered post, thinking that perhaps he would get this for his birthday in early December. Registered post is very expensive but using a courier service would be even more expensive.

Well so far, the card has taken 3 weeks and there is no guarantee that he will even get it. Though with registered post, one can quote the tracing number to the post office and see if they can find out where it is, for all I know it might still be sitting in the same Post Office that I sent it from.

Some questions for the Post Office:

Are they are in go-slow mode?

Are they short-staffed? I am sure some of the unemployed would gladly help sort letters.

Do they lack transport to deliver mail?

Sometimes they don’t even have stamps, one is given a sticky piece of paper that says “local” or “international”.

I was told by the Post Office that people don’t write letters these days. (Regrettably I have friends who are not on email.) This is a sad [state of] affairs, and I guess I will have to ask around for a carrier pigeon for any further letters I want to send.


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