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Protecting children from crime

BCI Security understands that crime affects everyone, especially children. Crime does not only affect children physically but also emotionally.

Protecting children is one of the most important jobs of parents and caregivers, and it is up to them to familiarise themselves with the safety risks in and around their homes and communities.

It very important to teach children about safety and also provide them with the necessary tips to prevent them from being victimised. BCI Security understands that crime affects everyone, especially children. Crime does not only affect children physically but also emotionally.

Here are a few tips you can teach your children:

• Children need to understand basic safety rules and to follow the rules and instructions.

• Children must be taught to trust the police and their security company and report matters to them.

• Children must be taught to only approach uniformed police and security officials and/ or marked police and security cars.

• Never approach a vehicle unless they are absolutely sure they know the occupants.

• Never accept a lift from a stranger.

• Don’t talk to adults they do not know.

• Never accept sweets, money or ice-cream from a stranger.

• Avoid giving your home or cell telephone number to strangers.

• Walk to and from school and to bus stops in groups.

• Stay close to you, especially at swimming pools, beaches and busy shopping centres.

• Do not wander off, avoid lonely places and do not take short cuts through alleys or deserted areas, and do not hitchhike.

Parents must be observant so that they can identify any abnormal behaviour from their children. When you go to crowded public places such as shopping malls or beaches, ensure that your children have your cellphone or telephone number with them in case they get lost.


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