The Women of the West Rand (WOW) organisation has played a huge role in making sure that numerous animal shelters shared in a large donation made by a property owner.
According to Janet Booysen, the founder of WOW, André van Niekerk, who is a property owner, was more than happy to donate, and deliver, some medical supplies that were just lying unused at Northmead Mall.
“I went to a funeral where I met André,” she said. “We were all talking, asking each other what we do and he mentioned that he is a property owner. He then said he could not believe what people leave behind when they move. I asked him what he meant, to which he replied that there was a company that left a quantity of expired medical supplies behind when they moved out, and he did not know what to do with it,” said Janet.
She added that she then approached the Friends of Rescued Animals (FORA), and they said that since the supplies had passed their expiration date, they could not be used on humans, but they could be used on animals.
Janet said that André subsequently delivered more than 2 000 boxes of equipment, consisting of kidney dishes, syringes with needles, swabs and cotton wool, among many other things.
“André said that the equipment had belonged to a company that went bankrupt before it could move the goods to Uganda. Due to the sheer volume delivered on two heavily loaded trucks, other animal shelters were also blessed to be able to share in these much-needed supplies,” concluded Janet.