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Karatekas make Horison proud in Germany

He also took a second place at the competition that was held in Germany


The 19-year-old 1st Dan, Sean Steyn and Wendy Wannenburg (6th Dan), from the Horizon Karate Centre, attended this year’s JKA German Gasshku in Tamm, Germany.

The JKA German Gasshku is a training camp for karatekas where 900 participants from mainly Germany, Australia, France, Finland and Italy come together for a week of intensive training.

The combined South African and Australian team also participated in the competition and had to compete against the German team. Sean won a silver medal in this competition.

Sean, together with the other South African, Australian and German JKA National representatives, had additional squad training together, which was great exposure.

The lessons learned and friendships formed during the training camp, left an unforgettable impression on Sean. He is still training hard in the hope of making the SA JKA National Team and representing South Africa in the 2020 JKA World Championships, which will be held in Japan.

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