Your seven-day weather forecast

Temperatures will be heating up, together with a slight breeze

Residents of the Gauteng area can expect a sunny but partly cloudy weekend with a zero per cent chance of rain, and temperatures warming up again.

• Friday, 4 October – On this sunny, clear day, a maximum temperature of 30 degrees and a minimum of 13 is expected. There will be a light breeze blowing at 9,25km/h.

• Saturday, 5 October – Part cloudy weather with temperatures ranging from a minimum of 15 degrees to a maximum of 32 degrees is expected. There will be a light breeze blowing at 9,25km/h.

•Sunday, 6 October – Partly cloudy with the temperatures dropping to a low of 16 degrees, but rising to a maximum of 32 degrees. The wind speed is expected to be 18,5km/h.

•Monday, 7 October – The new week will start with partly cloudy skies, and temperatures ranging from a minimum of 16 degrees and a maximum of 30. No wind is expected for the day, so for the ladies, it is safe to wear that summer dress.

•Tuesday, 8 October – Clear skies with the temperatures at a maximum of 32 degrees and a minimum of 16. Wind is expected at 18,5km/h.

•Wednesday, 9 October – Partly cloudy skies with a maximum temperature of 32 degrees and a minimum of 15. A slight breeze is expected at 9,25km/h.

•Thursday, 10 October – Partly cloudy skies with a 60 per cent chance of rain. Temperatures will reach a maximum of 28 degrees and a minimum of 13. Wind is expected at 20km/h.

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