Christmas is around the corner

‘I couldn’t believe it when I saw the first Christmas decorations in the stores recently’

I spent some time in one of our local shopping malls recently, and, as I was browsing through some of the items in the stores, I was surprised to see some Christmas decorations on display.

My first thought was, “What, Christmas already? It cannot be!” But, then I realised it was almost October, and the excitement started setting in.

Yes, I am one of those people who love everything about Christmas, from the decorations, the music, setting up the tree, buying those special gifts to being enchanted by all the beautiful, twinkling lights. I am the one who counts down the days to Christmas morning, almost more excited than my family members about the gifts I got for them, anxiously waiting for the looks on their faces when they see just what it is they have received.

And, at the same time, I realise that this is not the way everyone feels about this magical time of the year. For some people, the decorations, the music, the lights, the gifts and the whole event of Christmas, is just too much, Not everybody loves it, as it is seen as a commercialised holiday, only there to see how much money you can spend, and, if you don’t spend enough, make you feel as if you are a failure.

For others, this time of the year is only a reminder of what they have not yet completed, tasks still needing to be done or work that has to be finished. Sometimes it is also a very depressing time, as not everybody is able to spend it with family, friends or loved ones.

The golden rule when it comes to this time of the year, is not to overspend when buying gifts and not to stretch yourself too thin when it comes to holiday commitments and parties. Remember, it is not the size of the gift, but the thought behind it.

Until next week…

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