The Friends of Kloofendal (FroK) is calling on the community to attend their Mass Meeting on Thursday, 6 February from 6pm at the Kloofendal Ecological Centre. They need the community’s input to help decide how the funds allocated to the Kloofendal Nature Reserve’s infrastructure should be spent.
An amount of R1 million in taxpayers’ money was allocated for the necessary upgrades in the Reserve, in which the community should also have a say.
Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ) has made a proposal that a building should be put up at the entrance of the Reserve that will comprise a reception area, manager’s office, information and education centre, toilets and a restaurant. They suggested that four cottages or flats for the JCPZ employees be provided, three water features added, as well as a significantly larger parking area.
FroK’s counter-suggestions are focused on the well-being of the Reserve. They are focusing on fixing frequently recurring sewage leaks into the Reserve’s dam and onto paths; improving security by replacing damaged fencing all around the Reserve; building a security guard hut at the Topaz gate entrance and in the parking lot; placing a notice board at the Amphitheatre entrance with clear, large notices of public open spaces by-laws; repaving the present parking lot; upgrading the present Ecological and Education Centre where necessary, upgrading existing toilet facilities, putting up a jungle gym for kids to play, putting up a roof for the gold mining stamp mill; and providing a display of mining history in the goldmine shelter.
For further information on the meeting, contact Karin Spottiswoode from FroK on 079 694 5608.