They can accuse you of anything and you have to disprove them.
I was found guilty of driving an unregistered and/ or unlicenced car on 22 August 2019. Plus a penalty of R1 000 and a further R60 for the courtesy of being notified that the fines were not paid. They were all sent to my previous address. A post box number. On every application for a renewal over the past few years, for the following year, I have clearly printed my home address as my postal address.
All they had to do was look at their computers and find the proof that the licence fee had been paid at the Cresta Post Office before it expired and voila! No proof that it was in fact me with that number plate.
I had to download and print a form (AARTO 08), have it signed before a Commissioner of Oaths and send it to them via registered mail (it cost me R30) and then wait 21 days (knowing how slowly the post moves around this country).
So there’s a good chance that by the time my licence fees are due this year, these fines will still be outstanding and I will be denied a licence until they are paid. What crud!
I had lost my front number plate a while back and merely stopped at the nearest shop and had one made and affixed. So obviously someone had found the missing number plate and affixed it to their skedonk. Another fine was for no rear number plate. Prove my point?
I presume I will now have to go to Court with my proof of licence paid for this year. More taxpayers’ money and time wasted.
How many other readers have suffered this injustice?