Sex life and the reality of the lockdown
Maintaining a healthy sex life in the midst of corona infection fears is something many people are dealing with. How best can this be handled?
One of the questions that have been top of many people’s minds during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa is sex, particularly the question of how one can have a normal sex life during lockdown.
The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced another level of safety to sex, but this time, one that is surrounded by confusion, with developments on the virus being updated by the World Health Organisation on a daily basis.
Because of the nature of sex and the kind of interactions involved, it’s important to practice extra precaution during this time, with abstinence being the safest option for now.
Lost the loving feeling?
The lockdown not only put immense pressure on the economy, but also on people working from home, facing job loss, as well as the selfless essential service workers and their families. Couple that with cabin fever, and you have a recipe for anxiety, depression and other mental and emotional health issues to flare up. It’s important to give yourself and your partner, time and space to feel and process the negative thoughts and emotions without the added pressure of sexual performance.
For couples living together
As long as you both are following the recommended protocol, like washing hands and social distancing, this is the safest sex you can have with someone. You definitely should not have sex if your partner is showing symptoms – they probably won’t be in the mood anyway. You would be wiser to think of testing for Corona than making love.
For couples living apart
Unfortunately, the national lockdown means that quality time has been postponed for what feels like a very long time. This is a good time to explore other forms of intimacy. There are a few apps for our devices (laptops, tablets and phones) that allow for video calling, which could provide an avenue for you and your partner to keep the fire going. Not to mention, weeks of imaginative distant exchanges could lead to incredible experiences when you can finally be in each other’s company.
Self-love is the best kind of love
The alternative to abstinence is self-love and understanding oneself in terms of love life needs and sexuality. Now is a good time to get reacquainted with yourself. There will be ample time to catch up and make up for lost time once the lockdown is over.