
Hijackers in Bryanston dismantle car tracking unit

BRYANSTON - A vehicle was hijacked in Bryanston on 22 February and the tracking unit was left on the road.

This according to reports from Bryanston resident Andre Snyman who runs the eblockwatch group on Facebook. This group is used to inform members about crime incidents.

He said the hijacked vehicle was a brand-new Land Rover which had a tracking unit installed the day before the hijacking.

Captain Kym Cloete, the spokesperson for the Sandton police said they are investigating a hijacking case of a Range Rover which was taken in Bryanston. She has no information as yet regarding a dismantled tracking unit.

The investigation is still under way.

Does your car has a trustworthy tracking device installed? Comment below, and let the Sandton Chronicle know.

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