Do you think racism in South Africa still exists and have you ever experienced it?
JOBURG - Caxton Joburg North reporters hit the streets to find out if residents think racism in South Africa still exists and if they have ever experienced it ... here is what they had to say:
REABETSWE MAFORAH: Yes, I believe that racism still exists because some black people still treat white people with a level of fear and respect like they did in the days of apartheid. For example, a black woman would rather give a white woman the opportunity to use the toilet first rather than themselves. We black people are still stuck in that slavery mentality which we need to let go of.
REABETSWE MAFORAH: Yes, I believe that racism still exists because some black people still treat white people with a level of fear and respect like they did in the days of apartheid. For example, a black woman would rather give a white woman the opportunity to use the toilet first rather than themselves. We black people are still stuck in that slavery mentality which we need to let go of.
SIPHESIHLE MDAKANE: Yes, racism does exist. However, I believe that it will eventually end. The more educated South Africans become, the more they will focus on economical issues rather than on skin tone. Racism is also more evident in the workplace and in educational institutions.
SHAE PETERSEN: Yes, racism does still exist. The #FeesMustFall protest was a prime example. We all came together and after the protest there was a backlash of racism from both sides.
CLIFF JACOB: Racism does exist and always will as it’s based on selfishness. I was dismissed from my church because of the colour of my skin. Loving the way God loves is the key to dispelling hatred and animosity.
MEGAN HATTA: Yes it does and I doubt it will ever end. As long as there are different coloured people, racism will continue. In Grade 2, I was accused of stealing because I was the only black person in my class.