BENMORE - Benmore Gardens shopping centre played host to a shavathon.
Colour fun… Julia Singer, Courtney Jordaan and Jessica Parsons.
Rainbow colours… Jessica Dietrich, Erin Morris, Cameron Morris and Madison Morris.
Colour fun… Julia Singer, Courtney Jordaan and Jessica Parsons.
Brave shave… Nic Young shaves off his hair and colours his head with a mirage of bright colours.
Team spirit… David Kaplan, Matthew Houghui, Hylton Somnenberg, Brando Somnenberg, Daniel Trekves and Jonathan Kaplan.
Shave it off… Angela Carle gives Brandon Pieprz a shave at the Cansa shaveathon at Benmore Gardens shopping centre.
Family fun… Emily, Sarah and Nathalie-Jane Ho.
Charity venture… Angela Williams collects donations at the shavathon.