We asked local residents what they think about the #watercrisis ….
What do you think about the water crisis in Cape Town and what would you do if the crisis was happening here?
Sarah Koning
MAREESA DYER: It's a dire situation in Cape Town and it's terrible to live without water. You shouldn't water your garden and you should use pool water to flush toilets.
KHULU MABASO: People must be educated to keep showers short and not wash cars and water gardens in the crisis. The Government must also check up on water leakage.BODINE ENGELBRECHT: I’d move to a place with water and make it my five-year plan to exit the country. Long term, they should look into purifying the ocean water.STEVE MSIZA: The Government should ask neighbouring provinces to assist by piping water to Cape Town. You can’t live without water so engineers should help out.SAMANTHA TIFFIN: It’s a horrible situation to be in. Businesses and complexes should be waterwise. I would install rain tanks at my house and use grey water to save.WANDILE NDLOVU: I think it’s important to raise awareness about saving water. Most people aren’t aware of the crisis. The Government should do more to create catchment systems and be waterwise.