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According to the Village Bryanston residents, voting is crucial #IMadeMyMark

BRYANSTON – Retirees asked about the importance of voting on 8 May.


Caxton Local Media’s #IMadeMyMark is an initiative to raise awareness about the elections and the importance thereof.

The Sandton Chronicle visited The Village Bryanston retirement home to hear what they had to say about it on 8 April.

“A time for elections should be a time for change,” said Jimmy Oosthuizen, a former businessman and accountant.

Jimmy Oosthuizen a former businessman and accountant speaks about the elections. Photo: Delamo Bentley.

Judy Nicolson an estate agent said, “I wish that trade schools were implemented by the government… technical schools should be the future for our generation as we are losing hope in job creation due to us only having unemployed graduates.”

Judy Nicolson an estate agent is an advocate for change. Photo Delamo Bentley.

Gerry Gallow, a former nursery school teacher said, “I have strong feelings towards the education system and the fact they are not teaching our children about voting at a young age. I feel that everyone has the right to vote and schools should allow practice runs with younger children in order for them to understand the meaning of elections.”

Marjorie Fleming added, “We need to see what we saw the day we voted on 28 April 1994. A day filled with hope, joy, and humanity.”

Marjorie Fleming a former librarian has hope for the future of South Africa. Photo: Delamo Bentley.

Gallow concluded, “As a nation, we need to use the same principles we used the first day we voted. I need a party where influence will not be a deciding factor, but that logical and ethical behavior be what determines what our nation deserves.”

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