Road sign makes no sense
RIVONIA - A Sandown resident has complained about a confusing road sign erected south-bound on Rivonia Road.
The resident, Selwyn Cohen said, “The sign shows M9 Rivonia further south, whereas at that point Rivonia is actually to the north. I assume it refers to the suburb of Rivonia. There would not be any purpose in it referring to the road. It should perhaps say M9 Sandton, M9 Rosebank or M9 City, but definitely not Rivonia.” He claimed the road sign was brought to the attention of the Johannesburg Roads Agency as far back as January 2012.
“Nothing has been done about it. I am told that they do not know and are still trying to find the contractor who was employed to erect the sign,” said Cohen.
After assessing the sign, Ward 91 councillor Andrew Stewart said, “I do not think it is confusing. It points up to Rivonia and the M9, which is correct because you follow Rivonia Road until you hit Oxford, which leads to the M9. Perhaps the sign could say M9 Rivonia Road, but it is a minor difference. I can understand why the city [council] is not in a hurry to pay money to replace the whole sign.”
The roads agency said the complaint was investigated and it was found that the sign is incorrect and needs to be rectified. “The roads agency has arranged for installation of an overlay of the sign to display Rosebank. This is set for completion within the next two weeks. I trust this rectification will provide clarity to road users,” said Bertha Peters-Scheepers, spokesperson for the roads agency.