Wake up with gratitude
SANDTON - Gratitude and happiness were the theme for the first Domestic Watch lesson of the year.
The organiser of Domestic Watch Penny Steyn, who started the meeting, handed over the Sandton suburb to Annie Conway as her work was needed in other areas of Johannesburg. Conway began the lesson by inspiring domestic workers to be enthusiastic about the new year. She explained that generosity is difficult to practice, but urged the group to keep it in mind at all times.
The number of people attending the meetings has dropped since last year and Conway explained the importance of spreading the word of the meetings to the community.
“People who come to Domestic Watch want their souls to feel rich and full,” commented Conway.
She urged attendees to share the lessons on the streets with neighbours, friends and family. She also reminded the group “if you do not give, you do not get”. And said they have a responsibility to their children to tell them that giving is more rewarding than receiving. Steyn reminded them that gratitude will always show.
“The most generous thing to do is smile. It travels, it is like giving someone a gift,” she said.
Steyn told the group to be thankful to their employers for providing security where they live and allowing them to attend the lessons to feel empowered.
“The security and the police are no good without us, they need our information,” explained Steyn.
Domestic worker Florence Kubheka said she is often too scared to speak up. “We know everything that goes on in the area, but sometimes do not know who to tell,” she said.
Conway ended the lesson by telling the group to “train themselves to look beyond themselves and be kind and considerate to their neighbours”.
Steyn pleads with the community to involve their domestic workers and gardeners in the meetings. She said there were so few people attending this year and was doubtful they were being told where to go.
The lesson are R30 per person, and are offered monthly at different locations throughout Sandton.
Details: 082 461 6968 or psteyntraining@absamail.co.za