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High-tech security for community

SANDTON - Atholl, Inanda, Illovo, Winston Ridge and Elton Hill will benefit from a high-tech security roll-out.

Community safety and security company, CSS Tactical have implemented and sustained an intelligent, proactive and highly visible security solution which is aimed at making the neighbourhoods as safe as possible.

The company has partnered with AIIWA, a resident-run and non-profit association. They aim to reduce violent crimes and break-ins in the community. An intelligent software system that learns the behaviour of the areas and raises a red flag to anything questionable for proactive response is part of the security measures implemented.

Ricky Croock, chief executive officer of the security company said, “It is absolutely cutting edge and the infrastructure and expertise are likened to having a personal Horatio Cane from the television series CSI on your corner, analysing the goings-on and anticipating security breaches before they occur. This is a major stride for South African security which was once reserved for top international security agencies and is now being rolled out in Sandton.”

He added that the company had already spent R6 million on the security project. Croock said the security measures used included a 132 camera network that used full number plate recognition software. “In collaboration with the resident association AIIWE, we are trying to bolster support and educate residents in order to expand the project and speed up the process,” said Croock.

He explained, “It is crucial to understand that most cameras just record what they see and are therefore reactive systems that are only useful in retrospect. We however, are implementing cameras outfitted with iSentry Software. This unique software is one-of-a-kind, and is used in top international security operations around the world. It is so much more than a surveillance system. iSentry works with unique intelligent algorithms that analyse activity in real time: it thinks, watches and anticipates 24/7.”

Details: CSS Tactical; www.csstactical.co.za.

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