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Rivonia Road shootout shocks public

RIVONIA - Twitter was abuzz after the Rivonia Road shootout on 22 April in Morningside, Sandton.

This after Gauteng police spokesperson, Lieutenant-Colonel Lungelo Dlamini confirmed a shootout ensued between police and four suspects. “One suspect was fatally wounded, two others were shot and wounded,” he said. “One suspect was arrested without any injury and a police officer was also wounded during the shootout.”

Dlamini said the police were investigating the possibility that the suspects have been involved in a spate of robberies around the Sandton area.

@Ah_nayP tweeted: I didn’t know it at the time but I drove past the Rivonia Road shooting scene right after it happened. I thought it was a car accident.

@Tray_HBK21 tweeted: So blood game in the streets of Rivonia…. Wow #shotsfired

@jaclerEGMNow tweeted: A big shootout between Saps and suspects on Rivonia Road, Sandton. Police 1, suspects zero. Well done Saps.

The conversations on Twitter quickly shifted after a photo of the dead suspect was posted.

@PigSpotter tweeted: Overwhelming response requesting me to post the photo. The criminal that died at the scene of the #Shooting on Rivonia Road.

@DonCollieony tweeted @PigSpotter and asked: Is this ethical?

@samanthaperry tweeted: People are gross. And odd. I don’t get humans. *smh*

@genevievedoull tweeted: I’ve seen worse, and he was a criminal. It honestly doesn’t faze me.


Join the conversations on Twitter and tweet us your comments and views @Sandton_News #Rivoniashooting

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