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Show your kindness

JOBURG - Get yourself an ARK and donate it to someone in need.

If you travel on the M1 or frequent Montecasino, chances are that you’ve seen the Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) campaign money banks – and City Buzz is going to tell you what to do with them.

The ARK campaign was initiated by Change Our World For Good, an organisation that aims to get the ‘haves’ of the country to contribute towards better lives for the ‘have-nots’.

The ARK campaign’s money banks have been freely available at various venues in the city and the public is invited to take one – or more – fill it up with change and give it to someone who you feel is in need of some good fortune.

It was initiated to remind people that every single person has the ability, and ultimately, the responsibility to make the world a better place through positive actions, basically through goodness and kindness.

City Property, the property management company with more than 70 buildings in Johannesburg, got on board with the campaign late last year, increasing their contribution by not only getting their staff to hand out more than 10 000 ARKs, but also adding an e’Pap breakfast sachet to the package so that the public could give it to someone who needs their tummy filled.

The property management company has set a goal to have one million people performing more acts of random kindness in their day-to-day life through their distribution of money-filled ARKs and even in their own capacity. The campaign also aims to manifest a positive mentality in the country because Change Our World For Good believes that positive action creates positive energy.

Celebrities including comedian, John Vlismas, have also come on board with the campaign to help spread the positivity.

Help makes South Africa a better place for all by helping the cause, connecting with Change Our World For Good and City Property, and sharing your stories of random kindness.

Details: www.changeourworldforgood.com; #COWFG of Twitter

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