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Join in on the Ward 104 business breakfast

BRYANSTON – There will be a talk by Outa which covers e-tolls, maladministration and corruption in the public sector.

Ward 104 councillor Mike Wood, together with the Ward 104 committee, is hosting a business breakfast meeting.

This is designed to improve communication within the ward, giving business owners the opportunity to participate in resolving areas of concern, benefitting all those who live and work in the ward.

Chief executive officer of Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (Outa), Wayne Duvenage will also give a brief history of how Outa came to be, how it nearly did not survive – a few times – and where it is today. The presentation will also include an overview of the e-toll scheme, why it was always doomed to fail and its current status.

The second business breakfast in February is well attended.

Duvenage will then go into how and why Outa moved into the broader mandate of tackling corruption and maladministration in the public sector. The talk also touches on why businesses struggle to play their part in putting an end to corruption. He shares with the audience some of the outrageous elements and modus operandi of state capture.

When: Wednesday 23 May

Where: Bryanston Country Club, Bryanston Drive

Time: 7am for 7.15am until 9am

RSVP: Lynda business@joburg104.co.z by 14 May, contact Lynda for banking details

Cost: R200 per person to cover the cost of a continental breakfast.


Read about the previous breakfast here:


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