The City of Johannesburg is on a drive to get non-profit organisations (NPOs) registered on its database so they can submit proposals to support social development programmes.
This will be in line with the City’s pay per service model, City spokesperson Virgil James said.
“This model requires that NPOs render services as required by the Social Benefits User Unit according to the unit’s terms of reference and be paid per beneficiary,” he explained.
James added that NPOs were regarded as collaborators, enablers and partners in the task of alleviating poverty, providing social assistance and mobilising community-level action to remedy social ills.
“Their support in ensuring that City programmes in relation to senior citizens, young women, youth development, skills development and people with disabilities materialise, cannot be overestimated.”
Application forms and programme specifications can be collected from any social development regional office, the non-governmental office on the first floor at Metro Civic Centre at 158 Civic Boulevard in Braamfontein, and through the City’s website www.joburg.org.za
There are, however, stringent requirements to be met to qualify. These include compulsory registration with the City’s NGO database, a functional management committee or board members must be in place, a proper financial, administration and recording keeping system must be in place and NPOs previously or currently funded by the City must attach their latest audited financial statements.
The closing date for applications is 27 August at 2pm.
The social development department, James said, would also hold compulsory briefing sessions on 17 August from 9am to 12pm to give information, clarify and outline the process. These will be held in the A Level Lecture Theatre at the Metro Civic Centre.
For further enquiries, contact Selaelo Mohajane at selaeloam@joburg.org.za or 011 407 6601, or Zwelibanzi Ncombo at zwelibanzin@joburg.org.za or
011 407 6751 during office hours.
The City has outlined categories, like services to the elderly, young women’s programme and youth development, but NPOs were urged to still submit proposals if their services were aligned with the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) of the City.
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