
Security Tips for Homeowners

South African Intruder Detection Service Association (SAIDSA) as this is o guarantee that any work carried out by them and equipment installed meets the appropriate industry standards.

National Security & Fire Proposes that homeowners keep the following  10 security Tips in mind at all times.

  • Seek qualified advice from a security consultant who will carry out a risk assessment and recommend an alarm system specifically suited to your property.
  • Make sure that your chosen security provider is a registered member of the

South  African Intruder  Detection Service Association (SAIDSA) as this is o guarantee that any work carried out by them and equipment installed meets the appropriate industry standards.

  • Test your alarm at least once a month and request the serves of a technician immediately if your alarm is faulty. It  is important remember to inform your security provider that you are putting your system into the”Test” mode.
  • Where possible, install exterior lighting that can be controlled remotely from inside the house.It is also worth considering demand lighting which is activated by a motion detector.
  • Try to reduce foliage and bushes in the vicinity of your driveway as these act as good hiding places for would·be criminals.
  • Increase visibility-Do you have any high walk or tall hedges obscuring your view of the property?Try to remove these if possible.
  • Automatic gates are preferable as you don’t have to leave the safety of your vehicle in order to access your premises.
  • Create a”safe area” in your home by fitting a wrought iron gate or an expanding grille gate into which the family can retreat in an emergency.
  • Install a safe to store valuable items and copies of keys.Wall safes are usually not fireproof and therefore not suitable for cash or documents.
  • Add an emergency number to the speed dial function on your phone


National Security & Are suggests criminals may commit a different type of crime if they are prevented from committing their crime of make.And when faced with a serious determent,they may move to a different  locations where a crime is easier to commit. Known as crime displacement, criminals usually seek the path of least resistance.


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