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The perfect resolutions for next year

JOBURG – Good resolutions to make for next year ...

As the new year fast approaches, many of us have been either seriously or jokingly contemplating our New Year’s resolutions.

The first resolution to make is to get healthier

Whether it be taking up a new healthy practice such as yoga or meditation, or eating differently, the most important thing about getting healthier in the new year is to start slow.

A year is made up of 365 days and getting into an exercise regime or committing to veganism needs to be done in your own time. With all the daily stresses in life, anything new in your life that is forced might become a hindrance that you give up rather than something that adds to your health.

What do you do with your spare time?

Another resolution would be to take up a new hobby. Looking for a new hobby is an extremely popular New Year’s resolution. To make it easier to finding a new hobby, take a look at your current interests rather than taking up something out of the blue.

For example, if you like hiking maybe take up a sport such as mountain biking or kayaking that will complement your existing interest. If you love gardening, maybe look into taking that passion into the kitchen and start a veggie garden.

Family time is a good time

Thirdly, a popular resolution is to spend more time with the family. For some people, this one might be challenging, but no one knows you better than your family.

Another popular resolution is to read more. As visual media becomes more and more prominent in our daily lives, picking up a book and reading can be a great pleasure that not only gives you the opportunity to switch off from reality, but to also learn more. The most important part of this resolution is to read books or e-books that are about your interests and hobbies.

Learn something new

A great thing to do is to subscribe to online groups or YouTube channels that give you something new to learn such as how to make your own pasta or learning how to play a song on an instrument you haven’t played in a long time.

It is very important to set your own time limits as some might want to learn small things every day while others might want to learn big things over a month.

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