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Parkmore set to roll out CCTV

PARKMORE – Parkmore Community Association is set to introduce CCTV monitoring at six of its entrances to make it appear criminally unattractive.

The Parkmore Community Association (PCA) will soon join the list of residential areas under CCTV surveillance.

The association is set to activate cameras at six of its entrances at the end of August. These entrances are currently guarded by security personnel, association security director Mark Sudbury said.

The feed will be monitored by the private security company 24/7 Security.

According to Sudbury, the aim of the technological roll-out is to make Parkmore less attractive to suspects. “No matter how good you are, they [criminals] will rob you if they want to rob you. But it is about what happens after the event, can they escape?”

Sudbury noted that it was all about data collection and data sharing. Allowing the association to tap into the already existing Vumacam network will prove efficient and effective.

Private security firm 24/7 will monitor the CCTV feed. Photo: Supplied

There has not been any objection to the new technological upgrade. “We never had any objections but rather concerns for a certain aspect. There was more so concern around data sharing and profiling,” he added.

But for the association, the main objective remains to track and monitor those entering and moving through the suburb.

According to Sudbury, the residential crimes that occur in the area are predominantly professional but the rate at which they occur remains low. “We do seem to be getting targeted by two possible professional gangs. They are professional but not violent. But since the road closures went up, we have seen a drop in crime.”

He added that Parkmore was an easy target because of the quick access to major roads such as Sandton and William Nicol drives. “[This initiative] will make criminals question ‘what is the risk of me getting caught?'”

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