Covid-19: How to deal with panic during the lockdown
JOHANNESBURG – Be part of the South African Anxiety and Depression Group (Sadag) Facebook Live to know more of ways you can take care of your mental health during the 21 days lockdown.
The South African Anxiety and Depression Group (Sadag) has launched a daily Facebook Expert Live Chat from 1pm to 2pm on weekdays, where psychologists answer questions and provide tips to the public on mental health.
Clinical psychologist, Dr Colinda Linde shared details on panic and anxiety during the lockdown. Many people on the live chat have expressed their constant panic attacks when running errands for essentials.
Linde explained what a panic attack is. “You can think of a panic attack like a pot that has been too hot and is now boiling over, as in your adrenalin levels are too high and you are experiencing symptoms of panic as a result. In the moment it’s best to distract yourself to give you time for the symptoms to pass – which they will, even if it feels horrible at the time!”
ALSO READ: Covid-19: How to deal with depression while self-isolating
Linde has provided the following tips to ease the panic and anxiety during this time:
- Exercise for 10 minutes every day.
- Meditate as it is great for settling the mind even if it’s really busy or wound up.
- Mentally count your exhales, going from one to nine. If you lose track because your mind got busy, start again at 1. When you have done three rounds it will feel better.
- A quick way to stop a negative spiral is to do something practical, like wash the dishes – not joking, it really works. It gives you a break from the cortisol rush and anxiety, by focusing on something else for a while
- Visit there is a free download on Day to Day Coping with Panic
“A suggestion for everyone, including me, I am limiting the amount of time I spend reading or listening to news about this virus, and only look twice a day for about 15 minutes. I am trying to get into a ‘new normal’ routine during the lockdown, and trying to have moments of normality playing with the dogs and walking in the garden. Wherever you are, there will be a way,” she concluded.
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