Trick or treat in safety please

The last time I went trick-or-treating for Halloween, I was about 12 years old.

My neighbour told me I was worshiping the devil, my friends phone was stolen and a few older teenagers thought it would be a cool idea to put shaving cream on my parents driveway… needless to say, I don’t have fond memories of the holiday.

However, while as a young naive little girl, I was scarred for life and never went out dressed up on 31 October again. I still love watching the excitement and community festivities, though. To me, Halloween is one of those nights where communities get together and bond – and if you know anything about me, you’ll know I am pro anything that gets the community’s spirits high.

I can’t understand grumpy neighbours who pretend they are not home because they do not want to give in to a little child’s fantasy and hand out candy. I don’t see the point of destroying someone else’s night, simply because you do not want to participate in, what has become, a festive and innocent holiday.

Yes, you have the right not to participate if you wish, but please remember that this is your choice… you do not have the right to drag others into your decision.

As we approach 31 October, I would like to remind parents (not that they need reminding) that while your child’s activities may be innocent – crime does not stop for Halloween. Please make sure children are supervised at all times during the night. Be wary of speeding vehicles on the roads and don’t let your children go wondering off too far. Let’s keep the community spirit alive and not let a tragic accident or crime get in the way of a night of fun.

[F] Don’t forget to post your Halloween photos on the Rosebank Killarney Gazette Facebook page – so we can publish them in next week’s Gazette.
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