My taxi chronicles: when I am not in the taxi.
These past few days I have been driving with a friend/colleague from the office and I have noticed how I am two different people when I am in a taxi and when I am not.
When I am in a taxi, I get so irritated when a private car refuses to make way for the taxi. It’s really not a big deal. Some are so dramatic they swear at the taxi driver and you can literally see that they are infuriated. I honestly don’t understand what the problem is, at the end of the day you will reach your destination.
However, when I am in my friend’s car, I notice how wrong and dangerous it is. The other day we had to stop in the middle of the road because a taxi overtook us. We almost had an accident and that was a big deal.
I do admire how fearlessly taxi drivers drive, I wish I knew how to drive like that. They can find their way through traffic and sometimes it’s almost as if they understand that we are late for work, so they speed. However, I can’t ignore the dangers that come with it.
I must admit, these are some of the fears I have about getting my driver’s license and getting my own car. I can’t help but wonder if I’ll be able to break on time and not bump into another car. What will happen if I bump into a car? What if I damage their car and mine or even worse?
The thought of it is terrifying. The moral of the story is, private car or taxi, we should abide by the rules of the road.