The end of the year has arrived and it is a time to spend with friends and family, but we also need to ensure that we are safe all the time.
Here are some safety tips at home:
- Do not allow strangers on your premises or in your house without having identified the person properly, especially at night
- Implement proper key control measures
- Identify keys by means of codes instead of indicating in writing on labels to which gate/door access can be gained
- Keys to the safe must be kept on your person
- Never hide any keys in traditional places, such as in pot plants or under doormats
- Keys in the keyhole on the inside of the front or back door should be turned to avoid easy removal
- Never allow strangers to handle keys or look at key numbers
- Change locks when keys are lost
- Insert barring devices in door locks
- Remove keys from doors when leaving.
Details: Cleveland Police Station 011 677 5748.
Read: Safety tips to prevent fraud on social network sites