Give back to the Alexandra Disability Movement this festive season

SANDTON – The Alexandra Disability Movement would love to treat the children they assist, and their hardworking staff, this festive season.

The Alexandra Disability Movement, based in Hyde Park, assists people young and old who have special needs and those who live in poor conditions. As the festive season approaches, they hope to treat the people they serve as well as the dedicated staff.

The non-profit organisation was launched in 1991 to provide protective workshops for adults, children and the elderly as well as assisted care for children with disabilities and conditions such as cerebral palsy. It also assists job-seekers by putting them in touch with employers who are committed to assisting disadvantaged communities and those with disabilities.

“Our vision for the disadvantaged youngsters, adults and vulnerable children is to take care of their lives and their development which will lead them into full integration into the community, by reducing their dependency on their state disability grants,” said Themba Ngoma from the organisation.

At the organisation, they also provide children with daily meals and assist people with disabilities in making sure that RDP houses are accessible to them by way of ramps and bathrooms, also with ease of access.

Ngoma added that their overall goal is to give people within disadvantaged communities courage and determination to reach their potential.

For the festive season, they would really appreciate gifts for the 37 children they assist, which could include snacks, soccer balls and toiletries. They would also appreciate gifts for their 55 staff members who assist the community.

For more information contact the Alexandra Disability Movement on 011 882 1147.

Will you be giving to the less-fortunate this festive season? Share your thoughts on the Sandton Chronicle’s Facebook page

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